Grateful Sleep Is All About Mindset

Control Your Mind; Control Your Sleep.

In 1992, our founder, Michael R. Brunet, decided that human health was not just important, but the most important aspect of living a life of optimum health, well-being, and longevity.

For decades now, Michael has been a natural life coach, investigating and studying health issues, and sharing with all those around him, the health knowledge he acquired from decades of curiosity and study. His four siblings, four kids, large extended family, friends and acquaintances, employees, clients, and even total strangers have benefited from his extensive learning. Besides having a crucial message to share that has and will continue to positively impact countless lives, Michael also has the “communication skills” by which to deliver his program, a user-friendly format, and a keen desire to help others gain from the knowledge he has consolidated over the years, that has transformed him.

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Started in 1992

It was after a 1992 Anthony Robbins conference that made him question so many old beliefs about health, Michael realized his health needed a do-over. His life was chaotic, but his health seemed fine. He had no concerns about his health except 30 lbs overweight that did not slow him down at all. However this new information about nutrition and better health put him on a quest to learn more and learn why most people including himself were ignorant of a healthy life & healthy nutrition. So, he took it upon himself to delve deeper into the bad habits and thoughts that were, at that time, preventing him from practicing what he was learning. OR preventing him from being his best self.

He was seeking a cure, not a quick fix, to the way he was feeling. At the outset of this journey, he was often saddened to realize that, as he had done for years, most people do not seem to make optimum health a true priority in their lives. They might start a diet, lose a few pounds, and then forget about it. Or they might take a stand against drinking alcohol for a week or two only to go back to their old habits.

Michael realized that, in the routine busyness of life, the average person way too often neglected themselves. He, himself, had made that very same mistake in the past, but he was no longer willing to sacrifice his health to everyday matters, no matter how important. He knew he would have to find a way to put his health first while still managing to take care of his loved ones and be productive in life. His goal at that point was to achieve lasting success, and for it to show not only in his physical, emotional, and mental improvement but also in his overall perspective towards life.

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<b>Started in 1992</b>


His quest for his mind-and-body boost started a long study into the wonders of the human brain and mind, delving into issues such as why people make both positive and negative choices, the impact of such choices on their lives, and how they can begin to improve their decision-making to optimize health, happiness, and longevity.

Along the way, an examination of social proof could not be avoided: Why is it so powerful? How can it influence the majority of people in the world with very little, if any, questioning on their part about the validity of the information presented? The answers to these queries became crucial to Michael’s understanding of why people often choose “less” rather than “more” when it comes to their health and well-being. How one thinks, sleeps, eats, exercises, and socializes (among other habits) determines their overall state of well-being, as well as their ability to achieve their goals and dreams. Most people seem to be aware of that and, yet, way too often, they do not regularly choose in favor of what is ideal for them to encourage their best outcomes.

Michael wanted to be able, not only to answer the “why” of this problem but also to provide answers. And, so, using his own life and problems as a sort of “guinea pig,” he read endless books, enjoyed many seminars, reflected on his learning and made copious notes and recordings over the years, and met with and took courses from many experts in this field.

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Being <b> GRATEFUL</b> is KEY

Why We Change

The underlying principle of all of his education along the way – which he recognized first in himself, and then in the many others whom he met and worked within these early years – the principle, in fact, that would become the foundation of Michael’s belief system and the starting point for Grateful Academy™/Grateful Sleep™, he finally filtered down to this simple reality: a person’s life changes for the better, and “joie de vivre” accelerates within them when they truly, wholly become GRATEFUL.

Throughout all of the expert studies/journals/books Michael had read, all of the courses taken, all of the discussions with those in-the-know from numerous walks of life, many of whom had been transformed by this knowledge themselves, all of the true-life testimony, all of the podcasts listened to, all of the analysis done, there was one common thread that united the masses – no matter their field of expertise, no matter their situation in life – and it was this: when you become GRATEFUL, you start to live your life differently. You learn to shake off the negative, embrace the positive and see the world, often for the first time, in all its glory. Life takes on a new sense of wonder.

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<b>Why We Change</b>

Be Curious & Grow

Michael knew that this newfound commonality had to be the lever-and-fulcrum of happiness and success. Our perception of our lives is subjective, meaning that we can choose what attitude, what state-of-mind we will allow ourselves to go forward with into each day.

Being Grateful for what we have makes life real – everyone has so many blessings for which to be thankful! – and focusing on that truth makes life good. In this positive state of mind, it becomes clear to us that we need not compare ourselves to anyone else – we, and our lives are enough, just as they are. But this does not mean that you settle or stagnate – far from it! With an open and grateful heart, you will always want to be and do more, so you will adopt a growth mindset that will encourage you to constantly learn, evolve, improve while, all the while, smiling with a deep sense of happiness and contentment that will radiate out and beautify your world.

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<b>Be Curious & Grow</b>

Simple Tools Easy to Use

Michael realized the impact this message could have on the human race, but he also knew that it had to be taught and explained simply with tools and methods that everyone could use to help make positive changes in their lives.

The simple message – although still hard for some people to adopt – is this:

The energy and abundance of the universe can only be harnessed when you realize it is there for you to do so.

Open your eyes and your soul to being Grateful for all that life delivers, and you will want for nothing. Perception is everything; you are in charge of your thoughts; you are in-charge of being GRATEFUL; you are in charge of the happiness and health of your life.
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<b>Simple Tools Easy to Use</b>

Smile, Be & Feel GRATEFUL

In the spring of 2000, excited and wanting to share his belief about how working to plant and grow the seeds of Gratefulness at the core of our beings will harvest a lifetime of happiness, Michael bought his personal choice automobile “TAG” license plate, “GRATEFUL”. Some of the initial people who saw this laughed at him, others showed disdain, a few even thought he was crazy. And, yet, there were those who admired his message, which he took the opportunity to spread whenever and wherever he could.

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<b> Smile, Be & Feel GRATEFUL</b>

Time to HELP others!

Fast forward to 2013, when Michael went on a three-day course on how to write a book, knowing that he needed to incorporate all of his learning into a practical and useful format for others. At the start of the book-writing course, he had to answer this question: “What are you very good at; what is something you can share and help others to learn and be good at?”

For Michael, the answer was easy. For many years, at that point, he had made feeling Grateful every day the center of his life. Although he hadn’t always enjoyed the pleasure of a good night’s sleep, out of absolute necessity, he had forced himself to learn how to get great sleep, even when his life was full of overwhelming responsibilities and external pressures that might prevent others from getting to sleep and staying asleep. Looking at life from a Grateful perspective kept him on track with this alignment: Gratefulness and good sleep go together; you can’t often have one without the other.

Once this basic concept became second-nature to him, the whole idea of a Grateful Life™ and a Grateful Academy™, to teach others how to achieve such a life, began to materialize, bit by bit. Michael knew that one day he would be able to share this gift with others; his unique way of controlling his mind and his thoughts so that he could enjoy uninterrupted, quality sleep could become theirs. So, while he was still working full-time on his residential solar-panel company, and dealing with all the other craziness of a busy life, he began developing the course for Grateful Sleep™, which would become the pre-requisite course for a Grateful Life™.

Michael, now, at age 64, is somewhat of an anomaly (and, if truth be told, he probably always was – I mean, how many other people do you know who have religiously logged their weight every day for 21+ years? Worked in Saudi Arabia for three years from 1980 to 1983. How many other people do you know who have traveled in style to 25+ countries before the age of 27? Who has been a Scuba diving Divemaster and Assistant Instructor with over 300 dives? Headed up a publicly-traded company? Been an entrepreneur before the word was in vogue? At 58 had both his hips joints replaced with titanium to get back his full motion again like a 20-year-old?) Even to this day, Michael enjoys continuing to challenge and test himself and his theories by willingly taking on physically, mentally, and/or intellectually grueling tasks – that alone puts him on the “exceptional” list.

A few examples of such tasks are these recent ones: working 10-12-hour days for 27 consecutive days by himself to renovate a few rooms in a new home for his nephew who has, through a tragic accident, become a paraplegic; for 60 days, giving up all sugar, alcohol, and junk food while, at the same time, undertaking the implementation of at least one healthy new food/habit, in addition to daily exercise, journaling, and visualizing each day and taking a 3 minute cold shower each day, winning an Octoberfest beer-hoisting competition, days-long contest on a cruise, against man-beasts half his age 😊 ; and cutting down a diseased 100-year-old, 80-foot tree in the Hamptons for his daughter.

In addition to these feats, Michael also has the resting heart rate of a trained athlete (even ‘though he is not one – though he does do his best to exercise regularly and eat healthily), he has often been called “super-human” by others because of his physical strength (even ‘though he is a mere 6’/195 lb. mortal man), he seems able to fix and build just about anything,(he loves reading instruction manuals 😊 ) and he can fall asleep as soon as he decides to “shut down his computer” (mind) – usually instantly – and manage to stay asleep for a solid 8 hours (without even getting up most nights to go to the bathroom).

But Michael’s most valuable gift – as he has been repeatedly told over the years – and his unique ability he most values is his ability to simplify and explain what many consider complicated and have difficulty understanding. For decades, this skill has enabled him to assist many people in many ways, in many different areas, and he continues doing so today. His decision in 2013 to specialize in the sleep/gratefulness field came after he realized that this venue would allow him to have the greatest impact on the well-being of others. And that’s what matters most to Michael.

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<b>Time to HELP others!</b>


You might be wondering why you need to know all of this about Michael, so I’ll tell you: to use an old cliché, Michael walks the talk and talks the walk. He’s a person whose lived a lifetime in his 64 years – someone who has suffered setbacks personally and financially, but who has rebounded from them, an individual who has made mistakes but learned from them, and he comes to you now, via the Grateful Academy, bearing the invaluable wisdom of his many years of experience, training, and education. Perhaps most importantly, he’s a life coach with ethics: he’s got your back and fully guarantees his work.

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Grateful Movement™

Realizing that a major part of being able to help others toward a better frame of mind and, ultimately, a better life was about teaching them to control their mind/thoughts and to be GRATEFUL, not just for a passing minute, hour or day but, instead, to feel grateful at their core for every moment of every day for the rest of their lives.

Michael felt he had no choice but to create Grateful Academy™ and start a Grateful Movement™. He needed to share, on a bigger scale, the important message that had already helped improve lives, including his own: that a person cannot be immersed in worry, anxiety, anger, fear, hopelessness, or any other such negative emotion while, at the same time, being and truly feeling GRATEFUL. Such opposite emotions cannot exist at the same time; the positivity of gratefulness circumvents and defeats the negativity of self/other-harming emotions.

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Grateful Movement™

Grateful Academy™

On this premise, the Grateful Academy™ was born.

Knowing how crucial to being able to feel grateful – the foundation from which all good things come – that productive sleep is, Michael decided that Grateful Sleep™ would be the necessary pre-requisite course for all Grateful Academy™ curriculum.

Without daily, life-renewing sleep, a person is left at the mercy of their whims, cravings, and misleading thoughts. On the other hand, being able to control one’s mind/thoughts, as well as being able to transform incessant self-talk from a negative to a positive power is key for a regular, restful, deep sleep.

Grateful Sleep™, through mind control, is the foundation for good health and energy in life so that one’s dreams and goals can seem – and become – possible again.

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Grateful Academy™

H.A.V.E. it ALL

Grateful Sleep™ is key to giving your Host/Body what it needs to open the door to great Health, a sunny Attitude, and the Vitality and Energy to do all that you desire in life. H.A.V.E. It All! with Grateful Sleep™ and the Grateful Academy™!

We are excited to be starting this GRATEFUL MOVEMENT™ to help you get what you want by enabling you to change the unconscious negative programming that has been holding you back so that you can finally enjoy your full human potential.

Join us today and start your Grateful Life™ with Grateful Sleep™, a guaranteed way to enjoy quality sleep and start you on the road back to good health and the energy you deserve to live your best life.

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<b>H.A.V.E. it ALL</b>

Grateful Sleep™ Disclaimer

Grateful Sleep™ & Grateful Academy™ offer the opinions and ideas of the author, and are intended to provide information for educational/entertainment purposes only.

The information throughout this website and courses is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Consult your doctor about any health problems you may have, and before changing your prescriptions, modifying sleep habits, taking any supplements, or creating or changing any fitness programs. Feel free to have your doctor contact us for additional information.