• #01- What makes Grateful Sleep™ Unique?

    The Grateful Sleep™ course is unique not only because of our simple, easy-to-use, effective tools and life-changing course content, but also because, unlike most other sleep-help books, podcasts, and courses that merely offer superficial tips about changing one’s sleeping environment, 95% of our course materials and resources address the actual cause of sleep problems – from the top down – to help bring about lasting transformation in our clients’ lives.

    The Grateful Sleep™ course will help you replace old, keeping-you-in-a-rut habits with new, powerfully-positive habits that allow you to get the quality sleep and energy that you deserve back in your life. We guarantee it.

    Most other sleep help books or courses do the opposite of Grateful Sleep™. They spend the majority of their time addressing the physical limitations – such as minimizing noise or light in your bedroom – that might be contributing to or distracting an individual from sleeping well (often called “Sleep Hygiene” these days). Perhaps 5% of their focus – if any -- examines the root cause of sleeping problems, which, we, at Grateful Sleep™, have long known, has little to do with a person’s physical body or their sleeping environment. Such impediments to sleep, at best, will have only a small-scale impact on the quality of one’s sleep. What matters most has everything to do with an individual’s mental health: the well-being of their mind.

    For this reason, the Grateful Sleep™ course focuses its main efforts towards helping our clients to control their mind/thoughts so that they can get out of the way and allow their Hosts/Bodies to perform the crucial jobs necessary for optimum health: repairing DNA, rejuvenating cells, and sorting and storing thoughts and experiences so that easy access to these ideas/memories will be available in the future when recall is required. In short, we work with our clients to help them achieve the kind of quality sleep that will allow them to start each day with a full tank of energy and vitality. Without a strong energy force in life, little gets done, at least not well.

    Grateful Sleep™ is also different from other sleep courses because we do not allow just any potential client to sign up with us. We insist on and trust that our clients have decided to take our course because they are serious about succeeding, and willing to put in the simple daily work that is required by the course. We want you to achieve the goals you set for yourself by taking this course, and we know that 100% participation and follow-through with all course content will ensure that.

    Now, please do not let this scare you off; our course, as mentioned above, is not difficult, but it does require your effort to be effective, as with most things in life at which you plan to succeed.

    We provide support for you – in several formats – as you proceed through our video course modules, which will take you step-by-step towards a growth mindset, regardless of your past or your present situation. This course is about resetting and replacing the disempowering habits and unconscious behaviors that have been holding you back from your full potential. It will give you the permission that you may subconsciously need to finally take proactive steps toward the life you’ve always wanted.

    Grateful Sleep™ is for people who realize that there is more to living than being a cog-in-the-wheel of a dissatisfying life.

    Harness the power of the Grateful Sleep™ course for yourself! Your energy and life will vastly improve by giving your Host/Body the time it requires each day for uninterrupted, high-quality sleep. Sign-up for our Grateful Sleep™ course to begin a life where you feel well-rested, positive, and in control.

    Do you believe that you are not worthy of that?

  • #02- I have difficulty falling asleep and, if I wake up during the night, I can’t get back to sleep. How can you help me?

    Having difficulty falling asleep, or going back to sleep if you wake up during your sleep period, are the most common issues that people have when it comes to sleep disorders. Grateful Sleep™ addresses these problems extensively by providing solid course content that will enable you to acquire new habits to replace old habits and to understand the behaviors that are the root cause of this problem.

    When you are struggling with such sleep problems, you can become fearful about bedtime and about even trying to get to sleep. If you also experience wakefulness during your sleep periods, the fear of not being able to get back to sleep might rev up your emotions – causing heightened anxiety and stress – instead of winding them down, as should be happening prior to sleep. This behavior, of course, will only make it even more difficult for you to fall asleep.

    Although there could be several reasons why you might be experiencing sleep difficulties, the most common one at bedtime – aside from actual physical health issues – is not being able to let go of our thoughts. Learning how to control our minds is key, then, to eliminating busy-mind syndrome and the negative self-talk and worry over everyday concerns that often go along with an overwhelmed mental state.

    Grateful Sleep™ gives our clients some simple and easy-to-use methods to take control of their minds and self-talk, with a growth mindset and respect for their bodies – what we call their Hosts. Our course encourages the client, every step of the way, to discover and understand what is taking place in his/her mind so that he/she can make the necessary changes that will finally attend to and solve their sleep obstacles.

  • #03- I have been getting by with 4 to 6 hours of sleep each day for years, and I seem to function just fine. Why do I need to take the Grateful Sleep™ course as a pre-requisite for other Grateful Academy™ courses?

    Science continues to prove that our human Host/body needs 7 to 8+ hours of uninterrupted, quality sleep each day. The consequence of not doing is usually chronic inflammation in the Host, which can take years to accumulate and can build up without any noticeable and/or measurable symptoms of “dis-ease.” And yet, long-term damage is being done. By the time you realize its impact on your Host, it could be too late to recover.

    Just because today an individual might seem fine, we, at Grateful Sleep™, highly encourage you not to continue abusing your Host by not giving it the daily amount of sleep recommended by most sleep experts. The proper amount and quality of sleep affect everything in a person’s life, for better or for worse, over time. If we give our Host/body the kind of sleep it needs, we quickly start to notice how much more energy and alertness we are experiencing each day which, in turn, gives us the hope and strength to make additional changes in our habits and behaviors so that we can become the best we can be.

    At Grateful Academy™, we are creating many Grateful courses to help improve lives. All of our courses teach the life-changing concept of feeling Grateful at our core: realizing and sensing in every cell of our Hosts – every minute of every day – just how lucky we are to be living the lives we do on planet Earth. If we are to live our best lives.

    Gratefulness cannot just be a fleeting thought that occurs to us momentarily, here and there.

    This is why our mandatory pre-requisite course, Grateful Sleep™, is not just about sleep; it is also about mastering our ability to control our minds and thoughts, which will help us remove years of programming and social proof of negative self-talk that limit our ability to get the perfect amount of quality sleep every day.

    The principles presented in the Grateful Sleep™ course are fundamental to the teachings of Grateful Academy™, which promotes living in harmony with our Hosts/bodies.

    We each need to look after our Host as if our life depends on it; it does.

  • #04- Many sleep courses are not as long as Grateful Sleep™. Why is this course longer?

    At Grateful Academy™, we recognize that repetition is the mother of all learning and so we teach our Grateful Sleep™ course curriculum – and all of our other courses – using this methodology that has been both popular and successful throughout the ages.

    The way we, at Grateful Academy™, teach is also how many people learn and apply knowledge best. Effective teaching and learning takes time, effort, and, yes, repetition, which means, in terms of course length, that our Grateful Sleep™ course, which is our pre-requisite for all other courses, is one of our longest.

    The staff at Grateful Sleep™ know how important quality sleep is for our Hosts/bodies; it helps us live better lives, full of health, energy, and with clear minds each day. We also know, however, that as people get older and busier, life seems to get in the way of them taking good care of ourselves. To make their health a priority and be able to make lasting change, people need to have a strong sense of purpose – a strong “WHY” – for wanting the newfound health, positive attitude, vitality, and energy that the Grateful Sleep™ course can provide.

    Most of us have strong rituals, habits, and beliefs that we have not questioned or concerned ourselves with identifying for years – if at all – and, yet, this is a necessary first step towards learning how to take great care of our Host/bodies each day. Being healthy is not as simple as breathing, eating, and exercising each day; health always starts with having the positive mindset of wanting to create a bigger future for ourselves than our past. Health starts with a mindset/belief that we can – and, more importantly – we deserve to be able to be our best every day.

    New beliefs take time to learn, and it takes time to open our minds and park some of our old beliefs so we can try some simple and empowering tools, which will help to replace old habits with new, positive habits to give us greater health and energy. In the Grateful Sleep™ course, this is a process that we explain in detail and emphasize to help you welcome change into your life and be both willing and eager to work towards making that happen for yourself. We get into these kinds of sticky-but-essential issues in the Grateful Sleep™ course so that you can get un-stuck and get on with your more-rewarding life.

    We expect every client to participate fully in all aspects of our courses and, particularly, when it comes to the learning and practicing of course content. Adopting our course fundamentals and making them a part of your daily life will help create the new habits necessary for positive results.

    However, we do not expect this to take place in a vacuum. Extra guidance and on-going course support, provided by our Grateful Sleep™ community and weekly Webinars, held each Wednesday at 7 p.m., will help answer your concerns and questions so that you can be successful. And we guarantee our results; if you are fulfilling all course requirements and are still not experiencing improved sleep, then we will refund your money.

  • #05- I have a full life, a job, kids, responsibilities. I can’t even begin to imagine that I can plan 7 to 8+ hours of sleep each day.

    You are not alone in this common, but misguided, thought. When life gets exceptionally busy, many of us fool ourselves into thinking that we can “rob Peter to pay Paul.” To squeeze in that one last task on our To-Do List for the day – whether it be finishing up that report needed for the next morning’s meeting, or baking those muffins for your son’s Bake Sale at school – we often unwisely choose to make up the time by cheating our Hosts/bodies out of the recommended amount of quality sleep for optimum performance.

    Grateful Sleep™ will help you understand why it is so important that you stop doing this and, instead, start prioritizing and mastering getting quality sleep each day, even – maybe especially – when life seems overwhelming.

    We will also help you realize the need to plan and create contingency plans for those times when life’s emergencies force you to change your regular sleep habits. Until we truly understand and believe that our life depends on giving our Host/body daily quality sleep, we will not be able to make it happen on a consistent basis. As most of us are already aware, if we do not don our mask first on a plane, we will not be able to assist others in an emergency. Life is no different; if we want to be our best to assist our family and friends and perform well at work each day, then we need to take care of ourselves first.. Doing so starts with giving ourselves the gold standard of 7- 8+ hours of quality sleep each day.

    When we cheat our sleep, we damage our Hosts/bodies, and this is not something that weekend sleep binges can prevent or heal. Such damage has a cumulative effect that can seriously impair your Host’s ability to perform at its best, and it will take time, and a healthy lifestyle, including the required amount of quality sleep each day, to repair the harm done. As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” So (to use another cliché), “Don’t delay; do it today.”

  • #06- Why is Grateful Academy™ building, supporting, and developing a Grateful Movement™? Why is the Academy starting with Grateful Sleep™?

    First, let us address the last part of this question, “why are you starting with Grateful Sleep™?”.

    Sleep issues are one of the most common problems that people have. A lot of people know they have sleep issues, and there are a lot more people that don’t know they have sleep issues because they don’t believe or respect that their host needs 7 to 8+ hours of sleep to rejuvenate, rebuild, reenergize and repair the DNA. So, it’s a health issue that has long term chronic effects.

    Part of Grateful Academy™ and our Grateful Movement™ is wanting to live in a world where people are healthy, happy, growing, and have a learning mindset, a sharing mindset, and a desire to make the world a better place.

    To achieve this outcome requires us to be healthy and a desire to be good. Grateful Sleep™ is the foundation for people to start realizing the amount of sleep that we need and the respect that we have to give our host and treat it like what I refer to as the billion-dollar racehorse. Joe Polish (the Founder and President of Piranha Marketing Inc. He is also the creator of the Genius Network® Interview Series, founder of the Genius Network Mastermind ®, and co-founder of I Love Marketing®,) talks about the million-dollar racehorse analogy of our body we need to take care of, from Joe, we are using this racehorse analogy. However, our host/body is a lot more valuable. Most of us were never taught this.

    Once you know and believe the importance of respecting and looking after your host, you have to take steps and replace old habits to make positive changes. It starts with something very easy to do; “Quality sleep” if you know how to get out of the way. How do you get out of the way of your sleep? You need to have a plan. You’ve got to stop your computer, your mind, your thoughts from keeping all the cells in your body at high alert or activated.

    The chemicals that we produce from thoughts in our host/body are interfering with the chemicals that are needed for repair, sleep, and rejuvenation. You can’t do both. You’ve got to stop thinking and get out of the way or put yourself in a peaceful sleep mode where sleep can take over, while you enjoy that process, you don’t fight with it, you have planned it, you respect it, you know how important it is, you’ve got contingencies if things happen. Being able to do this consistently is why we created Grateful Sleep™, that is why we are starting with Grateful Sleep™.

    Of course the Grateful Movement™ and Grateful Academy™ are all about a better world, using abundance that is being created by us, by technology, by people, by research, engineers, by years of civilization that are growing this exponentially with the help of people sharing through the internet, sharing through communications, sharing through what I am doing right now, communicating with people. We want a better place, we know what makes people feel good, and now science is proving that your cells in your host, in your own body are so critically affected by the medium that they are embodied. In other words, the environment and the environment is you; it’s us; it’s our thoughts; it’s the chemicals that we produce unconsciously and consciously through our thoughts.

    We need to understand if we want to address how to control the production of good chemicals in our host/body, we need to control our thoughts, and that’s what Grateful Sleep™ is all about. It’s the tip of the iceberg of what Grateful Academy™ and our Grateful Movement™ that we are pushing forward. We are starting with one person at a time, and that’s you! So, if you are reading this, take our Grateful Sleep™ course, It’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s guaranteed.

    You get the results, and you’re going to begin feeling good and deciding to be happy. It is going to be the beginning of a fabulous, healthy, long life. It’s all perception, so let’s take advantage of what we know, what we can do today, and we’ll continue to learn more and do better in the future. That’s what Grateful Sleep™ and Grateful Academy™ are all about!

    © Copyright Grateful Sleep & Grateful Academy™ 2020